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Advancing AI and neuroscience research

NeuroCollab.AI is a student-run organization aiming to expedite the process for young researchers and developers to create innovation.

By teen developers for a more balanced industry

NeuroCollab is an innovative organization, founded by the teens for the world.

Hospital Activities

Activities such as visits, field trips, observations.



Meetings for organizing conferences, content creation.

Working with data

Working with data & code

Info Sessions, Talks, Conferences

Working in both fields of development, content creation, and hosting conferences.

Pioneering AI Movement. 
Seamless Neural Grasp.

all among the youth

NeuroCollab.AI is a dynamic, student-led organization that aims to advance AI and neuroscience research. We see the promise of AI models in healthcare, from pathology to cancer detection, and we are on a mission to continue advocating for this shift through our ongoing AI-neuroscience research, the creation of related material to raise awareness, and promoting STEM and programming education, particularly among young teenagers.

We Take Pride in Our Numbers




Countries Worldwide



Are you ready to accelerate neuroscience?

NeuroCollab.AI is not just an organization; it's a movement fueled by the enthusiasm of young minds, driven to shape the future of AI in healthcare. Founded by teen creators for a more balanced industry, we believe in the transformative power of artificial intelligence and its profound impact on neuroscience.

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